Room 6 Class of 2016

Wednesday, 15 June 2016

Trip to Harold

In week five, on the 2nd and 3rd of June, we went to Harold. Teresa and Harold talked to us about empathy and self control. When Teresa talked about self control she mentioned about good leaders and bad leaders. Then our time was up. The next day we went back to watch a video clip. In-between scenes she stopped it to talk about the mistake. We got the stars turned on at one point.  The stars came on when the lights were completely turned off. Finally we looked at Tam to learn where different body parts are in our body.

The stars came on while Harold was singing.
By Ryan

Sunday, 12 June 2016

School Disco!

On Thursday, the 2nd of June 2016, Windsor North School had a disco in the school hall. At the disco the P.T.A. supplied food, drinks and glow sticks that students could purchase. At the disco there was music. Some of the songs were, Watch me (Whip/Nae Nae), Stressed Out and No Money. We all jammed out to the music in style, and even dragged up some of our teachers (Mr Barnett) to dance!

 By Jack